Patient guide

Our service provider code for contracts with the National Health Fund (NFZ): 140003832

Patient registration

Registration by phone:
(+48) 798 640 473
(+48) 89 527 59 79

Patient’s rights

Detailed information on patient’s rights can be found in the Patient Rights Act :


Requests and complaints

Requests and complaints may be submitted in person, electronically or in writing:

  • In the company headquarters in Olsztyn at ul. Kościuszki 30/2 on every business day (Monday to Friday) between 9:00 AM and 3:00 PM,
  • At the e-mail address
  • At the address of the company’s headquarters: ul. Kościuszki 30/2, 10-503 Olsztyn, Poland

The institution director is available every Thursday from 2:00 PM to 4:00pm.

The Patient Rights Ombudsperson

Office of the Patient’s Ombudsperson:
ul. Płocka 11/13
01-231 Warsaw
fax: (+48)(22) 506 50 64

Night and holiday healthcare

Detailed information can be found on the National Health Fund (NFZ) website :


Miejski Szpital Zespolony w Olsztynie (Municipal Integrated Hospital in Olsztyn)
(medical advice of a general practitioner with particular emphasis on adults)

Olsztyn; Niepodległości 44
(+48) 89 532 63 40; out-of-office care: (+48) 89 527 22 22

Wojewódzki Szpital Specjalistyczny w Olsztynie (Provincial Specialist Hospital in Olsztyn)
(medical advice of a Primary Care Physician with particular emphasis on adults)

Olsztyn; Żołnierska 18
(+48) 89 67 09 125; out-of-office care: (+48) 89 527 22 22

Szpital Mrągowski im. Michała Kajki Sp. z o.o. (Michał Kajka Hospital in Mrągowo limited liability company)


Mrągowo; Wolności 12
(+48) 89 741 94 54

In case of emergency, call the emergency medical rescue telephone numbers: 112 and 999.

Need further information?

We will respond as soon as possible.

    Logotypy: Unia Europejska

    Project: RPWM.01.05.02-28-0075/23 "Improving the quality of patients' treatment with the use of medical innovations".

    Priority axis: Intelligent economy of Warmia and Mazury
    Action: Modern companies
    Sub-measure: Recreating the economic heritage of the region.

    The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020.

    Equipment purchased under the project:
    Przeiń na górę