The team consists of medical doctors with academic titles, seasoned practitioners with years of operating experience, medical staff dedicated to patient care, and a qualified administrative personnel. We have strong ties to with Warmia and Mazury, but our team also includes individuals who have gained experience and reputation in international centers.
Plastic Surgery Specialist, ZSMU Visiting Professor
Surgical Oncology Specialist
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Specialist
Surgical Oncology Specialist, Proctologist
Nurse, specialist in oncology nursing
Anesthesiology specialist
Anesthetic Nurse
Surgical Nurse
Surgical Nurse
Nurse, Operating Room Nursing Specialist
Administrative Coordinator
Senior Assistant
Project: RPWM.01.05.02-28-0075/23 "Improving the quality of patients' treatment with the use of medical innovations".
Priority axis: Intelligent economy of Warmia and Mazury
Action: Modern companies
Sub-measure: Recreating the economic heritage of the region.
The project is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund under the Regional Operational Program of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie Voivodeship for the years 2014-2020.
Equipment purchased under the project: